My 1928 Buick adventures.

October 2022

 This is the story of my research into, and ongoing restoration of, an old car that I bought without paperwork or history on Ebay. 

It turned out to have had a very interesting life, and I have really enjoyed uncovering its past.

We  have enjoyed restoring this car to road going condition , and we  enjoyed driving the Buick.

Unfortunately, we did not get to use it enough and the Buick has now gone to a new home in Norfolk,                                                                               England.


 Click on the next chapters at the top of the page please.

Click on the photos to enlarge.

How it all began

In October 2010 I bought a 1928 Buick on Ebay. One of those Sunday evening post pub purchases. Well it seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was advertised as a restored rolling chassis, with a list of all the work done, and it was said to be a UK built right hand drive Buick, and I was attracted by the 6 cylinder 3.4 litre engine.

My previous old cars, Morris Minors and a 1932 Riley had all had small engines, and I wanted a big one.

I should have been warned when I offered £1000 below the asking price, and it was accepted straight away. Anyway I hired a trailer and me and Little Phil drove up to Cheshire on a Wednesday afternoon to collect my Buick.

What a mess!! What a disappointment!!

By the time we saw it was full of all the loose bits including the rotten roof off the Hudson body.

Anyway, we loaded it up, paid the man and took it home.

All loaded.

I had rented a shipping container at a self storage depot, to store the Buick. It only just fitted and by the time we had unloaded the spare parts, the front wings, the 4 heavy Hudson doors, there was no room in the container.

And we still had to lift that Hudson saloon body off  the chassis yet.

Then 4 days later I fell off a motorbike!

2 grazed knees, bang on head, bruised ribs, and compressed fracture left arm.

continued in chapter 01.

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3 Responses to My 1928 Buick adventures.

  1. Pingback: My 1928 Buick, the story so far. - AACA Forums

  2. mike wild says:

    You and the car are indeed blessed Phil, its as though you were meant for each other!
    Clearly to start with, you were just interested in making a fast buck, but the car had different ideas.
    Following a series of owners who have passed it on, you have now and the car has decided you shall be the chosen one! I know you will rise to the challenge and succeed where others have failed.
    Also make me think, what a marvellous tool the internet is!
    Nice story.

  3. Gary Sherlock, (Neil's neighbour) says:

    Really enjoyed following the Buick’s story unfold, Phil. Fascinating stuff and good luck with getting the illusive photo.

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