09. Ron Deacon

‘Ronald Hubert Deacon’ is the first name on the old brown registration document, that I eventually received for my Buick.

His address is shown as ‘Chepstow’  George V Avenue, Margate, which is in Kent in SE England.

The only reference I could find to the house on Google was a 1936 Kellys Guide, with ‘Kentish Building Supplies’ at that address, and a Mrs Deacon in the private resident listing.

By 1938 ‘Chepstow’ had been changed to ‘Number 3’ George V Avenue.

No.3 is the house on the right of the 2 semis

I also noticed Hubert T Deacon mentioned a few times.

In June 2011 I wrote to all the Deacons, 5 of them, in the present Margate phone directory, asking for information on Ronald or his relatives.

The following Sunday morning I had a phone call from Phyllis Deacon. Phyllis was very pleased to have received my letter, and very interested in my Buick and my research. Phyllis sounds like a very nice old lady.

‘Did you know Ronald Deacon then Phyllis?’

‘No I didn’t sorry. Never heard of him!’

Oh well, can’t win them all.

That evening I had an email from Mick Deacon.

Mick’s grandfather was Hubert Thomas Deacon, and Ronald Hubert Deacon was his Uncle Ron.

Fantastic, I had found the first owner of my Buick.

Over the next few days I had more information from Mick-

Hi Phil,
The Buick actually was bought by my Grandfather Hubert Deacon who didn’t drive.  It was bought for my uncle Ron who occassionally chaffeured him about in it when the family chaffeur was unavailable. 

Our family business at the time was Timber and Land, my Grandfather owned a farm which family members worked on.  The farm was called Deaconland Farm in Elmstone, Preston Kent.
My Grandfather had the houses built in George V Avenue in Margate in the 1930’s and gave them to members of the family.


I asked Mick  if he knew when the Buick was bought?

Hi Phil,
My grandfather was Hubert Thomas and my uncle was Ronald Hubert.   Uncle Ron did live at George V avenue which were built by my grandfather for members of the family, he offered my dad one but he turned it down.  The house does still exist and the buick was kept there.  As far as I am aware the Buick was bought from new so 1928.
My grandfather was an affluent man he was married to Emma Sutton who I know was the granddaughter of the founder of Sutton Seeds.  They had a house called Elmstone Court in Preston in Kent which is in its own grounds and has a gatekeepers cottage. They also had a farm called Deaconland Farm.  I also lived there for a while.  There was a chauffer, housekeeper and cook.    The farm is still called Deaconland Farm. 

My uncle Ron was the eldest of 3 boys, the brothers were called Les and Eric (who was my dad).  Both my dad and I and my son went into farming.


Wow, my Buick story just gets better and better.

I found  photos of  Deaconland Farm , scroll down a fair way http://www.annescountrygallery.co.uk/gallery_year_season_walk.asp?WalkID=126&Year=&Season=

and I think this is Elmstone Court??

26.10.11. Not so sure now. There appear to be 2 Elmstone Courts. This photo might be in Barham Kent, not Preston. The house in Preston is described as red brick. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-178215-elmstone-court-preston

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