16. Elmstone Court – new photos added


 I found out earlier that Hubert T Deacon, who bought my Buick for his son, lived at Elmstone Court near Preston in Kent.

I have not found much information about this house yet, and I thought this was a photo-

but I now realise that there are two ‘Elmstone Courts’ in Kent, and this one is at Barham.






I found this photo on Ebay, and sent a copy to Wilf Cuckson who confirms this is the correct Elmstone Court in Preston-

Wilf thinks he might have some more photos of the house.





Wilf sent me these photos of the correct Elmstone Court, thanks Wilf.

Elmstone Court in the 1920's

Front entrance

16 Responses to 16. Elmstone Court – new photos added

  1. Pingback: 1928 Buick continuing adventures - AACA Forums

  2. Paul Deacon says:

    My name is Paul Deacon(Mick’s brother), interesting photographs of Elmstone Court,any chance of copies of Wilf Cuckson’s photographs.
    I visited Elmstone recently and met the current owner to see what changes had been made to the house.
    Hope the restoration on the Buick is comming on
    Paul Deacon

  3. Simon Kidd says:

    A Cordell William Firebrace, an ancestor of mine, lived in this house C1900. See http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/27634/pages/207

  4. David Botting says:

    Myself and my partner Vivienne Paine have just become the new owners of Elmstone Court. I wonder if you could help us track down the current owner of the old ‘visitors book’ for the house. In time we hope to bring the house and garden back to it’s former glory (or at least as much as is possible) and the book, with it’s photo’s, may help us achieve that aim. We hope also (with permission) to create a copy of the book that could remain with the house over time. The tenure of the Firebrace family was clearly a golden period for Elmstone Court and we think it fitting that this period in the history of the house should be part of the future also. A copy of the book would serve that purpose well we think.

    We already feel quite privileged to live here to be honest. This is a special place with unique features and of course a unique history.

    • 1928buick says:

      Hi David, congratulations on your new house. I would love to visit one day in the distant future, when the Buick in on the road.

      I will check if I have any more photos. I think I have 1 or 2 taken on the drive. Please let me know if you find any reference to Ron Deacon.


    • Michael Sullivan says:

      Cordell William Firebrace is also in my family,

      Would there be any chance of some photo’s of the inside of Elmstone Court or any other things you have discovered


      • 1928buick says:

        Hi Michael, it is some time since my last research, all our effort is going on rebuilding the car at the moment. I will return to the history in the future, in particular I would like to find a photo of the Buick before 1935 when the body was removed, and trace the family of Mr Beer who drove it on the golf course, and I will let you know if I find any more about Elmstone Court. Phil

    • Jane Ellcock says:

      Dear David,

      I read with interest that you & your partner are now the owners of Elmstone Court (hope you are still there as I realise your posting was back in 2013). Hubert Deacon was my Grandfather who sadly died in 1950 & Nana sold Elmstone the following year I think. I have very happy memories of visiting my grandparents there along with my brother Brian & my parents. I have a few photographs of the house & gardens which you may be
      interested in.
      Regards Jane Ellcock

      • Hi Jane.
        Only just seen your kind post. Apologies for the extended delay!
        We are still happily at Elmstone and our wonderful gardens and house are slowly returning to their former glory. We are now tackling the Pulham grotto.
        We would love any information on your grandparents’ time at Elmstone; family anecdotes, photos, anything. We are slowly piecing together the complex jigsaw of the house and its former owners and would really appreciate any information you might have.
        We have lots of old photos of the house we would be happy to share with you.
        Kind regards.

      • 1928buick says:

        Hi Viv, I have not found a photo of the Buck before it was sold in 1935. Would you have any old photos of your house with cars in them please? Phil

      • Hi Phil,
        Thanks for your message.
        Sadly no more photos of your car but I will keep looking.
        Kind regards.

      • Jane Ellcock says:

        Hello Viv,
        What a pleasant surprise to find your message, this is an old email address & I only check it occasionally so apologies for delay in replying.
        Very glad you are still at Elmstone & obviously working hard to restore things. I do have some family photographs taken at Elmstone & would definitely be willing to share them. I wondered if we could visit you at some stage as I would love to rekindle old memories, we dont live too far away, only in Westbrook, Margate.
        Look forward to hearing from you.

        Best wishes Jane

      • 1928buick says:

        Hi Jane, keep a look out for any photos of family cars, especially a 2 door Buick UC8426 please. Phil

  5. David Botting says:

    Will do Phil. Was Ron a former owner?

    Good luck with the Buick btw. That sounds like a full time job!
    Talking of full time jobs I am beginning wonder if I should change my passport occupation to ‘Gardener’ 😉


  6. 1928buick says:

    Hi David, you need to read my earlier chapters about Ron Deacon and his father Hubert. Phil

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